SUNDAY | How do we fight our flesh? | Winning the Battle Against Our Sinful Desires...
This Sunday we enter into part 2 of our Pretty Little Lies series and Tom Basson speaks about the 'battle' against 'the flesh' and our sinful desires. Our strongest desires are not actually our deepest desires. God wants us to live flourishing and free... but the path to freedom is often laying down our strongest desires in the moment so that we can reach our deepest desires in the long run. Stay tuned to find out how. #gfc #gracefamilychurch #grace #gracechurch #prettylittlelies #toolsforwholeness #DigitalGrace #walkwithjesus #comeasyouare #walkingwithJesus #churchonline #digitalgrace #onlinechurch #graceumhlanga #riversidechurch #lovepeople #umhlangachurch #durbannorthchurch #makeadifference #cornubiachurch #lovegod #FollowingJesus #christianity #digitalchurch #durbanchurch #onlinechurch #churchonline