SUNDAY | Pretty Little Lies | We are at War!

Today we start a new series called PRETTY LITTLE LIES - all about the lies we believe about ourselves, about others, and about God - and how those lies can wreak havoc in our lives. #gfc #gracefamilychurch #grace #gracechurch #howtoheal #toolsforwholeness #DigitalGrace #walkwithjesus #comeasyouare #walkingwithJesus #churchonline #digitalgrace #onlinechurch #graceumhlanga  #riversidechurch #lovepeople #umhlangachurch #durbannorthchurch #makeadifference #cornubiachurch #lovegod #FollowingJesus #christianity #digitalchurch

Om Podcasten

Join us for a weekly conversation finding God's truth in scripture and shared personal experiences. Find out more about us here... Enjoy. #gfc #gracefamilychurch #digitalgrace #digitalcampus #onlinechurch #comeasyouare #meetingyouwhereyouare #audiopodcast #churchpodcast