SUNDAY | Remember You Die - So Live Fully | Wayne

This Sunday we start our new series, Momento Mori: remember you die, remember your days are numbered, so that your hearts would be wise and you will use your days well. We're surrounded by the relentless push towards consumption, hurry and individualism, told that if we reach the height of these ideals we'll find meaning of fulfilment. But we soon discover, our pursuit of these things leads us to losing our selves. What is the antidote?  #gracefamilychurch #digitalcampus #onlinechurch #momentomori#DigitalGrace #walkwithjesus #comeasyouare #walkingwithJesus #churchonline #digitalgrace #onlinechurch #graceumhlanga #newseries #riversidechurch #lovepeple #umhlangachurch #durbannorthchurch #makeadifference #cornubiachurch #lovegod #FollowingJesus #christianity #digitalchurch #durbanchurch

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Join us for a weekly conversation finding God's truth in scripture and shared personal experiences. Find out more about us here... Enjoy. #gfc #gracefamilychurch #digitalgrace #digitalcampus #onlinechurch #comeasyouare #meetingyouwhereyouare #audiopodcast #churchpodcast