SERMON | Step Down into Greatness | What Feels Like Losing May Well be Winning

Join us this week in the last in the series Memento Mori, Wayne Taylor shares how Jesus invites us down. Sometimes we have to take a step back in order to move forward. #gracefamilychurch #momentomori #DigitalGrace #walkwithjesus #comeasyouare #walkingwithJesus #churchonline #digitalgrace #onlinechurch #graceumhlanga #newseries #riversidechurch #lovepeple #umhlangachurch #durbannorthchurch #makeadifference #cornubiachurch #lovegod #FollowingJesus #christianity #digitalchurch #durbanchurch

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Join us for a weekly conversation finding God's truth in scripture and shared personal experiences. Find out more about us here... Enjoy. #gfc #gracefamilychurch #digitalgrace #digitalcampus #onlinechurch #comeasyouare #meetingyouwhereyouare #audiopodcast #churchpodcast