SUNDAY | Don't Take The Bait | Marc Poree

As we reach the last part of our series "How To Pray," Marc Poree from our Ballito Campus, explains how to find freedom from offence through embracing Jesus teaching on forgiveness. Today we'll be exploring the intricacies of forgiveness as a decision and process, and its profound implications for your emotional well-being. Find out more about us here...  Watch the video version of this podcast here... Enjoy. #gfc #gracefamilychurch #digitalgrace #digitalcampus #onlinechurch #comeasyouare #meetingyouwhereyouare  #audiopodcast #churchpodcast

Om Podcasten

Join us for a weekly conversation finding God's truth in scripture and shared personal experiences. Find out more about us here... Enjoy. #gfc #gracefamilychurch #digitalgrace #digitalcampus #onlinechurch #comeasyouare #meetingyouwhereyouare #audiopodcast #churchpodcast