45. Surround Yourself with Greatness with Stephanie Johnson

Do you find yourself in awe at all of the amazing people you have in your life? Or are you on the opposite end of the spectrum, and are constantly complaining about how idiotic they are? Whether it's because you work with them, are related to them, or you interact with them regularly, we need to be aware of the people in our lives. As author and motivational speaker Jim Rohn says, "We are a combination of the five people we spend the most time with." Holy gut check. Who do you spend the most time with? And if you become like them, is that a good thing? This episode is a good one. Enjoy! 

Om Podcasten

It is high time we conquer the feelings of mom guilt, inadequacy, failure, and never-enough-ness together. I am not an expert, I am a mom who is in the struggle with you, and I am working tirelessly to overcome it. It is my mission to help you remember that you are enough exactly the way you are. You are the mother your children need. You are a perfect mother just because you love your kids. Welcome to Grace Momma Grace. Let's do this!