580 GG. Introductory Paragraphs. One of The...
Listeners sent in many more interesting phrases from obsolete technologies, and we also talk about how to write a great introductory paragraph and tricky sentence that include "one of the [plural nouns]"--which verb do you use? FOLLOW GRAMMAR GIRL Twitter: http://twitter.com/grammargirl Facebook: http://facebook.com/grammargirl Snapchat: http://snapchat.com/add/thatgrammargirl Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/realgrammargirl Instagram: http://instagram.com/thegrammargirl LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/grammar-girl GET GRAMMAR GIRL BOOKS http://www.quickanddirtytips.com/grammar-girl-book-page AMAZON AFFILIATE CODE http://quickanddirtytips.com/amazon GRAMMAR GIRL AP STYLE WEBINAR http://bit.ly/2u9wuPn Grammar Girl is part of the Quick and Dirty Tips podcast network. Check out all the Quick and Dirty Tips shows: www.quickanddirtytips.com/podcasts