719 - Why 'Literally' Doesn't Mean 'Literally' Anymore. Video Games for Language Learning.
If you hate how people misuse words like "literally" and "awesome," at least you can learn that there's a name for that kind of misuse: semantic bleaching. Also, have you ever considered using World of Warcraft or Final Fantasy XIV to learn a language? Research says maybe you should! LINKS AND SPONSORS | Merrill Financial Advisor Development Program: http:/careers.bankofamerica.com | Magoosh: http://magoosh.com code: GRAMMAR | Embark: http://embarkvet.com code: GRAMMAR | Grammar Girl Email Newsletter | https://www.quickanddirtytips.com/newsletters | GRAMMAR POP iOS GAME | Optimized for iPad: http://bit.ly/iPadGrammarPop | For iPad and iPhone: http://bit.ly/GrammarPopMobile | PEEVE WARS CARD GAME | https://www.thegamecrafter.com/games/grammar-girl-s-peeve-wars | GRAMMAR GIRL BOOKS | http://bit.ly/GrammarPopBooks | GRAMMAR GIRL IS PART OF THE QUICK AND DIRTY TIPS PODCAST NETWORK | VOICEMAIL: 833-214-GIRL (833-214-4475)