Julian Assange and Wikileaks

Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, was a wanted man by many of the world’s diplomats. Under his leadership, Assange leaked highly secret and confidential diplomatic cables that embarrassed some of the most powerful governments. So much so, that Assange went into hiding and was taken refuge at the Embassy of Ecuador in London. In this podcast, Talyn Rahman-Figueroa (CEO) talks why Assange was a hunted man and her first encounter with the Wikileaks case when she was on her way to meeting at the Embassy of Colombia, next door to where the hacker was hiding. This podcast was put together by Ahlam Mohammed.

Om Podcasten

The team of diplomatic consultancy Grassroot Diplomat discuss innovative practices of diplomacy and international relations in today's modern world. Topics include leadership and self-development, networking, public diplomacy, personal branding and brand marketing, and digital diplomacy. Popular guests include: Talyn Rahman-Figueroa, Sandra Francius, Cherisse Rao, Jeannette Viens, and Linford Andrews. Find out more: www.grassrootdiplomat.org