Misconceptions about being a diplomat

Stereotypes and misconceptions run deep about diplomats and their work in diplomacy, but where do these perceptions come from? Even in the year 2020, things haven’t changed much in terms of how people view diplomats. Diplomacy is a career that is seen to be reserved for the elite and is washed with so many stereotypes, it’s difficult for ordinary people to even know what diplomats actually do.

Om Podcasten

The team of diplomatic consultancy Grassroot Diplomat discuss innovative practices of diplomacy and international relations in today's modern world. Topics include leadership and self-development, networking, public diplomacy, personal branding and brand marketing, and digital diplomacy. Popular guests include: Talyn Rahman-Figueroa, Sandra Francius, Cherisse Rao, Jeannette Viens, and Linford Andrews. Find out more: www.grassrootdiplomat.org