Grandma and Rebecca break down the wedding they just attended over the weekend. They also dive into social media for Grandmas. As always the girls discuss their family (Grandma thinks they have a normal family and Rebecca begs to differ). Enjoy! P.S Don't forget to email the ladies any questions you may have at greatmindsdrinkalikepodcast@gmail.com P.P.S Follow the ladies on intagram! ig: @rebeccaheins @bettyannbracco

Om Podcasten

Welcome to Great Minds Drink Alike hosted by Rebecca Heins and her favorite Grandma on her Mom's side Betty Bracco! They are giving you their opinion on EVERYTHING. Get ready for some good old unscensored advice on everything dating, career, family, and most importantly how to survive this little place called Long Island. So over-pour yourself a glass of red wine and get ready for some unqualified life advice!