Ep.08: Life in Fukushima 3 yrs later & Who Pays the Nuclear Bill

March 11 2013 marks the anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, or more accurately it marks the start of this ongoing disaster in Japan. Tens of thousands of residents were displaced. Kenichi Hasegawa wrote a book to express his fury over how his government mislead the victims. He talked to us from his abandoned farm 15km north-east of Fukushima City Central. And Donald Weber on photographing Fukushima. For more episodes and information on any of these stories visit www.greenpeace.ca/podcast

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The Greenpeace Podcast brings you sound rich environmental justice stories that travel across borders. Engaging listeners through storytelling, this podcast builds environmental literacy in a way that inspires, amuses and empowers. Listen to monthly 15 minute episodes that break down some of today's hottest and most controversial environmental issues.