Anger and Grief: Handling Intense Emotions After Loss

Today we talk about a difficult emotion to manage when grieving. It’s anger. Anger can cause a lot of problems and when you’re grieving, and it’s a very common emotion to feel. Today, I’m joined by Sandy Linda, who is a grief and women’s empowerment coach. Sandy and I talk about her difficult experience of feeling heaps of grief related anger for over a 2 year period + the things she did to resolve that anger and heal herself. Sandy also offers some tips and techniques for managing your own grief related anger.  It’s a powerful conversation I hope you very much enjoy. If you need more support right now, visit the Grief Refuge website to download our app or learn more about our retreats, workshops, and groups.  

Om Podcasten

The Grief Refuge podcast, hosted by Reid Peterson, features reflective conversations and helpful information about grief, loss, and managing the process. Filled with insights and creative ideas for navigating grief’s difficult emotions, the Grief Refuge podcast educates, soothes, and comforts anyone who is trying to better understand what they’re going through. Through the stories and reflective conversations shared, hopefully you will find meaning, live with purpose, and heal your broken heart. The Grief Refuge podcast is part of Grief Refuge, LLC. More support and access to the Grief Refuge app is available at