E18: A snapshot of ‘natural’ ways to bring on labour…do they actually work?
Today’s episode looks at 5 popularly suggested strategies for getting labour started. If you are heavily pregnant and willing labour to begin, or perhaps you just want to learn more, this episode is for you! This episode of Growing is sponsored by Sleepybelly. Sleepybelly’s pregnancy pillow is honestly a game changer for pregnant women everywhere! It is no secret that getting comfortable in bed when you are pregnant becomes increasingly difficult as the months tick on. Sleepybelly’s unique design provides support for your back, side and tummy helping you to drift off and achieve a deeper, more restful sleep. As a midwife I absolutely love that this product helps you stay in the recommended side-lying position. Sleepybelly are so confident that you will love their pillow that they offer a 30-night money back guarantee! You can get 10% off your pillow with the code ‘BWB10’ and visit www.sleepybelly.com.au to shop now. Thank you Sleepybelly for making this episode of Growing possible and for helping uncomfortable mums everywhere get some rest! Keen for more? Head to www.birthwithbeth.com.au or come and say hello on IG @birthwithbeth_