E22: A product to make breast pumps more comfy - yay! With Alex founder of Milkdrop
In this episode I chat with Alex, founder of Milkdrop, a company determined to make your breast pump experience just that little bit easier! In this chat we not only learn about Alex’s innovative pumping solution, we also dive into topics like, why are women often forgotten when it comes to health innovation? What impact does this have on our lives? What does it look like to run a flexible, parent-friendly workplace? Alex generously shares about her own breastfeeding experience and some of the circumstances that led her to doing the work she does today. I absolutely LOVE this chat. You can find more about Alex and Milkdrop at https://www.milkdroppumps.com/en-au We also reference a book titled Invisible Women by Caroline Criado Perez which you can learn more about here https://carolinecriadoperez.com/book/invisible-women/ Enjoy!