How your brain creates movement and why it's interesting.
We learn about the movement control centre of the brain, how it is a leading indicator for brain and cognitive health in general and how to optimise it.
Important topics
How does the motor cortex work exactly
How to improve reflexes
Repair damage and rewire brain circuits
How alcohol and cannabis affect the brain
If you like understanding yourself or you want to become a pro athlete or musician the episode is a great place to geek out.
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Growth Mindset pod
Sam Webster Harris explores the psychology of happiness, satisfaction, purpose, and growth through the lens of self-improvement.
Success and happiness is a state of mind unique to ourselves and is our responsibility to create.
Watch the pod - YouTube (Growth Mindset)
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Insta - SamJam.zen
00:00 Why the motor cortex makes you cool
02:25 How the Motor Cortex was discovered
04:09 The areas and functions of the motor cortex
07:02 Mentality and Physicaly Link
08:45 Motor Function Impairment and Physical Rehab
11:36 Why you might be a bit Uncoordinated
13:54 Developmental Variation and mindset
14:52 How alcohol and Marijuana impact brain Health and Coordination
17:38 Reflexes and professional training
20:41 Why 10,000 hours makes sense
22:06 Reactions that don't require your brain
24:33 How physical movement affects mental thought
26:43 Wrap up
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There are a lot of opinions on how to master your mind, but then there’s PSYCHOLOGY.
We’re all stuck with the brain we’re born with, but we aren’t stuck with how we use it.
Learn science-backed answers to make the most of your mind and your life.
Growth Mindset Psychology is the "self-help sceptic" podcast for the curious.
Whether you want to improve performance, navigate setbacks, or know who you are.
We find answers to the true science of self-improvement.
So put down the astrology chart and start working with your mind, instead of against it.
With over 8 million downloads and 60,000 monthly listeners, you’re invited to join.
Instead of telling you what to think, we discuss how thinking works.
Armed with a stack of science journals, textbooks and a boatload of curiosity, we uncover the mechanics of the mind.
Why? >>> Success is personal!
You might want to make the most of your neurodiverse strengths, start a business, or simply find more reasons to smile.
Hone your ability for independent thinking and growth with mental models to pursue your definition of success.
I’m Sam Webster Harris, a lifelong learner with ADHD, a raging curiosity, and an obsession with finding answers to hard questions.
After launching several businesses, travelling the world and nearly dying a few times I concluded that science and Psychology are where it’s at.
What actually makes people happy? What’s the best way to treat a brain? How can I get more done?
Studying the answers we find that changing behaviours requires building mindsets, mental models, and a healthy relationship with failure.
I run the show to help listeners enjoy nutritious content that feeds their minds (and I needed a legitimate excuse to cover for my reading addiction).
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Previous guests include Olympians, Scientists, Billionaires, and Sam's Mum.
Past series:
— Psychology vs Stoicism
— Time Management for busy mortals
— Independence and knowing yourself
— Cognitive biases and rational thinking
— Psychology of connection
— Carol Dweck and the Multiverse of Mindsets