049: Why People Don't Like When I Speak...

People don’t like it when I speak, but I’m still going to speak up. When you speak or share your ideas, it’s inevitable that you will receive some comments. Some of them will be hurtful. Some will be constructive.

“You speak too fast”

“You sound funny”

“You don’t even know how to speak English properly”

I’ve been speaking for so long that these comments have become regular for me and there’s a reason why I continue to speak even when there is a high possibility that I will receive some negative comment.

It’s because I am extremely passionate about the message that I’m sending when I speak.

Also, I speak the truth
I’ve come across many business, people and agencies who love to fluff up their achievements and distort the truth. They might say that they achieved some big feat but honestly, they just did some photoshop or omitted information to mislead.

I believe in transparency, to my clients and to my employees.

Listen in to learn more!

Instagram: @wilsonkomala


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Om Podcasten

Growth Strategist Podcast. A podcast that teaches entrepreneurs on how to grow their businesses and themselves. We discuss everything about growth, marketing, leadership, and branding. Your main host for this podcast is a marketing consultant best known for Kingsmaker Growth Blueprint, Wilson Komala. He will be sitting down with experts to talk about their growth strategies, the lessons that they’ve learnt, and how they create impacts.