079: You Will Be Broke If You Are Boring

079: You Will Be Broke If You Are Boring

What do I mean by boring?

😒 It's when you NEVER take a stand 😒

When you never take a stand, you won't ever end up offending anyone. You're safe. Everybody is neutral with you but...

nobody likes or loves you.

That's the thing about being boring and not having polarity.

Don't be afraid to have opinions, in business and in your personal life.

It's always better to have haters and fans, than to have no fans at all 😉

Listen in to learn more!

Instagram: @wilsonkomala


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Om Podcasten

Growth Strategist Podcast. A podcast that teaches entrepreneurs on how to grow their businesses and themselves. We discuss everything about growth, marketing, leadership, and branding. Your main host for this podcast is a marketing consultant best known for Kingsmaker Growth Blueprint, Wilson Komala. He will be sitting down with experts to talk about their growth strategies, the lessons that they’ve learnt, and how they create impacts.