Chat with Leah Boustan and Ran Abramitzky on America's Untold Story of Immigrant Success

GrowthChat is a podcast on the social and cultural journey of humankind, hosted by Marco Lecci and Sascha O. Becker.  In this episode we chat with Leah Boustan and Ran Abramitzky  about their book "Streets of Gold: America's Untold Story of Immigrant Success’”. Immigration is one of the most fraught, and possibly most misunderstood, topics in American social discourse—yet, in most cases, the things we believe about immigration are based largely on myth, not facts. Using the tools of modern data analysis and ten years of pioneering research, new evidence is provided about the past and present of the American Dream, debunking myths fostered by political opportunism and sentimentalized in family histories.

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A podcast series where we interview economists and other social scientist asking about their recent research papers and publications. The aim of this podcast is to share the work that economists, sociologist, anthropologist and historians do, making it accessible to students and the general public, independently from their background and preparation.