396: Baby Yoda Face Off

Low pay & bad working conditions, yay gig economy; Alexa to get miniaturized; London boots Uber; California's infrastructure problems; Internet kill-switches; we don't have to reveal passwords; NYC creates algorithm czar position; Hail Satan?; Ray Donovan; Paul Rudd squared; the Sandman; Dig Me Out podcast; Musk returns to moron of the week; Baby Yoda do do do do do; feedback.

Om Podcasten

We dissect the tech news train wrecks of the week, calling out what went wrong and who’s to blame. Think of this podcast as if Kurt Cobain threw down with Tom from MySpace, Elon Musk, and Mark Zuckerberg in a back alley brawl. No mercy, no filter—if tech had a walk of shame, this would be it.