411: Avast, WeMateys

Facebook clear history; Peloton doesn't want to pay for music; Apple, Broadcom lose WiFi lawsuit; UK to use Huawei for 5G; Data Privacy Day; Ring packed with third-party trackers; UN cyber attack; are privacy controls working; Google charging for search warrants; Avas Jumpshot packing and selling your data; AirPod tricks; Byte; celebrity texting; WeWorks taps the keg; raving with Elon Musk.

Om Podcasten

We dissect the tech news train wrecks of the week, calling out what went wrong and who’s to blame. Think of this podcast as if Kurt Cobain threw down with Tom from MySpace, Elon Musk, and Mark Zuckerberg in a back alley brawl. No mercy, no filter—if tech had a walk of shame, this would be it.