436: COVID19-84

Corona-zombies; I need a haircut; Allostatic load aka brain all dumb now; Lime, Lyft stopping operations; if our leaders don't follow rules, why should we; we're all getting a little antsy; losing friends over social distancing; WTF, Musk; #Maythe4th; feelings check in & McRibs; contact-tracing & trust; some more kid's apps; keyboard nubs; Elgato Stream Deck; death of the office; NASA space sounds; OpenAI Jukebox presents AI Elvis.

Om Podcasten

We dissect the tech news train wrecks of the week, calling out what went wrong and who’s to blame. Think of this podcast as if Kurt Cobain threw down with Tom from MySpace, Elon Musk, and Mark Zuckerberg in a back alley brawl. No mercy, no filter—if tech had a walk of shame, this would be it.