636: Verified Terrorists

Layoffs at Paramount, Instacart & Mozilla; Musk must testify in SEC investigation of Twitter takeover; Tesla driver not sure if he killed pedestrians because he was on autopilot; crowd burns Waymo car; 23andMe selling DNA data; Amazon Prime Video pulls Dolby Vision, Atmos on ad-supported plan; queer.af shut down by Taliban; X blue checks sold to literal terrorists; Past Lives; We Are the World; Jacqueline Novak; Somebody Feed Feel; Star Trek Disco; Downtown Abbey; AMC fined for 1988 law; Apple Cash to offer virtual cards; AI news round up; don't get an AI girlfriend; thought crimes; Sora & floating feet; Infinity Gate by M.R. Carey; the Bad Batch; cybercriminals stealing iOS users' face scans... are they, though?

Om Podcasten

We dissect the tech news train wrecks of the week, calling out what went wrong and who’s to blame. Think of this podcast as if Kurt Cobain threw down with Tom from MySpace, Elon Musk, and Mark Zuckerberg in a back alley brawl. No mercy, no filter—if tech had a walk of shame, this would be it.