Global Burnout Survey with John Chan

Welcome, lovely listeners, to another episode of H. Asselmoilanen, where we blend wisdom with humor! This time we’ll be talking in English. Today, we set sails on a global journey to the world of burnout. And who better to guide us than the insightful Dr. John Chan, a beacon of knowledge on the subject. John is the founding father of the Global Burnout Survey. In this episode, we'll navigate through the highs and lows of the Global Burnout Survey with John. We're about to unravel the mysteries and explore ways to navigate the sometimes stormy waters of our fast-paced lives. So, fasten your seatbelts, get ready for a joyful trip into the world of burnout, and let's Asselmoi with John Chan!

Om Podcasten

H. Asselmoilanen on kahden organisaatiopsykologin - Matti Jaakkolan ja Juho Toivolan - tajunnanvirtaa työelämän ilmiöistä. Kuuntele tätä jos tykkäät suorasta puheesta ja varhaiskeski-ikäisistä manspleinaajista.