But can I bring a baby?

Are you pro or anti baby? It's not about whether you want kids: it's about whether you think it's okay for a mum to bring along a baby to a comedy performance. After a mum was asked to remove her baby from Arj Barker's standup set, the debate's fired up. And new analysis looking at 45,000 rentals compared the asking prices with things like minimum wage and income support, and found none are affordable for someone on Youth Allowance. Plus, Avani Dias (former Hack host and ABC's South Asia correspondent) had her visa cancelled after the Indian government blocked her reporting in the country. Guests:  Anthony Locascio, comedian Amy Hetherington, comedian Avani Dias, journalist, ABC 

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Hack brings you the stories that matter to young people. Every weekday host Dave Marchese and the triple j Hack team cover the latest news, politics and culture from all around Australia.