Cowbells & Doorbells

With so many connected devices popping up, we have to wonder: Is the security strong enough to hold off an cyber attack? In this episode of Hackable?, Geoff invites a hacker into his home to help install, and of course hack, his new smart doorbell. We'll see if the device holds strong when there's a hacker at the door. *Ding dong*

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We see lots of movies and TV shows where hackers can infiltrate our lives with just a few keystrokes. But is it real? We’re here to find out. Malicious cat photos, sketchy Wi-Fi networks, rogue rentals, all-knowing webcams - those are just a few topics tackled in Hackable?, where we let our hackers shed light on just how secure we really are. Winner of Best Branded Podcast - 10th Annual Shorty Awards.