Locked Out

Ransomware is a billion-dollar business. But what happens when your data is under lockdown, all your icons are missing, years of photos are gone, and your computer left as a digital wasteland with nothing on it? Well, nothing but a digital ransom note saying that if you want your data back, you’re going to have to pay. In this episode, our host Geoff Siskind lets a hacker take his personal laptop hostage. Listen as Geoff uncovers the truth about Ransomware when he's Locked Out.

Om Podcasten

We see lots of movies and TV shows where hackers can infiltrate our lives with just a few keystrokes. But is it real? We’re here to find out. Malicious cat photos, sketchy Wi-Fi networks, rogue rentals, all-knowing webcams - those are just a few topics tackled in Hackable?, where we let our hackers shed light on just how secure we really are. Winner of Best Branded Podcast - 10th Annual Shorty Awards.