The only locks you should pick are your own.

Guest Tom Tovar, CEO and Co-Creator of AppDome, joins Dave and Joe to discuss the results of a recent consumer survey, Dave's story is based on a tweet where the user's child's middle school had some unintended consequences of a phishing scam training, Joe has two stories: one on QR code scammers on parking kiosks, and one about a book publishing phishing scam, and our Catch of the Day is a message that purports to come from the USPS sent in by listener William about a missed package delivery. Links to stories: Tweet about phishing simulation gone wrong. QR code scammers hitting on-street parking in Texas cities -- including Houston, officials say; This is what you need to know FBI Arrests Suspect in Unpublished Book Manuscript Phishing Scam Have a Catch of the Day you'd like to share? Email it to us at or hit us up on Twitter.

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Deception, influence, and social engineering in the world of cyber crime.