#749 - 🚨 Weekly Figures 🚨 Poor Week - Low Conversions - Loss Of Sq Ft Etc
Happy Monday, Store Nation!  Welcome back to Hacking Self Storage!  I'm your host, Dean Booty.  Today, we’re covering last week’s figures from all our sites.  I hope you enjoy the episode.  Give it a listen!  Thanks to our Sponsors! Stora: https://stora.co/ Gavin Shields on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gavinshields/  Willbox Website: http://willbox.co.uk Willbox Email: selfstorage@willbox.co.uk Willbox Contact Number: 0800 023 5060  Mr Self Storage: https://www.mrselfstorage.com/ Dean's Email: deanbooty@icloud.com