51 - The Problem with Podcast Discovery

On this week's Hacks and Flacks, we discuss the growing podcasting industry and the continued challenges around podcast discovery. Kevin Goldberg, founder and editor of DiscoverPods, joins the show to recap his ongoing coverage of a scheme in which fraudsters are gaming the Apple Podcasts charts to make their shows appear more popular than they really are, and why that's making things harder for podcast listeners.

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The Innovator’s Mic, from March Communications, explores technology, innovation and the people who make it happen. Each episode we’ll pick the brains of true innovators who hail from across the technology, marketing and PR worlds, getting into the weeds of what makes them tick, how they get their stories out there, and what they’re focused on right now. From AI to health tech to diversity and inclusion in tech, listen in as we discuss the intricacies of what it’s like to have a tech insider’s knowledge with an outsider’s perspective. Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts, and follow us on social media @marchcomms to be the first to know who’s on the mic next.