Beyond The Chair a conversation with Barbara Schreihans & Elizabeth Faye

You can now enroll in The Sacred Stylist Mastermind! The Sacred Stylist is an elite 12 month mastermind for stylists and salon owners who are ready to quantum leap into their best year yet. Class starts January 2023, but when you enroll you'll get access to a few of Elizabeth's live workshops happening in 2022, plus other amazing bonuses! The Doors close November 8th, and won't open back up until Mid 2023, so make sure you enroll now!    Get ready for today’s episode of #LifeChangingMoney ! @heyelizabethfaye is dropping some incredible, truth bombs 🤯 This episode was featured on Barbara's podcast "Life Changing Money" and it was soo good we had to share it with our Hair Love fam.  In this episode they discuss: ✨ How Hairstylist (and YOU) are changing the world ✨ Expanding Moments, Paradigms, and the Healing Journey ✨ Success and Relationships Plus, sooooo much more!

Om Podcasten

Okay queen, have you ever felt stumped, alone, or lost in this whole building your empire thing? Where do I even start building a brand? How do I find my dream clients? Is it possible to open and successfully run the business of my dreams? How am I even going to market this amazing idea I have? Do you ever struggle internally with feeling worthy? Do you sometimes feel what you have to offer isn't valuable enough? Or maybe you lack the confidence to get started? Welcome to Hair Love Radio, where we will be getting into the nitty, gritty of what it takes, how to be the master of your own life, interviewing some pretty amazing humans and encouraging you to spread your light! No matter how big your dreams are or you just want to live a more balanced life, Hair Love Radio is here to bring some zen to your morning drive to the salon, to work, or to drop the kiddos off at school. We hope to put a fire under your butt to achieve what you called to do and hopefully make you laugh. Our mission is to help you spread your awesomeness and light like confetti and be the best hairstylist, boss, mom, leader, love or whatever you desire to be! Should we do this or what?! I am your host Elizabeth Faye and the founder of Hair Love Retreat & Events. Because you are here I already "Hair Love You"! INSTAGRAM: @hairloveuniversity YOUR HOST: @heyelizabethfaye RETREATS & COACHING: