HOW 91: Setup Microsoft Edge Correctly - Fix Your Default Browser

Microsoft Edge is the default web browser and PDF reader in Windows 11, and a modern and capable successor to the Internet Explorer browser of yesteryear. It's built on the same Chromium web platform that Google uses for Chrome, and it integrates more deeply with Windows and Microsoft online services–most notably Copilot–than other browsers. But Microsoft Edge is also a vector for some of the worst behaviors in Windows 11. For this reason, it's important to configure Microsoft Edge correctly, whether you expect to use it regularly or not. Host: Paul Thurrott Want access to the video version and exclusive features? Become a member of Club TWiT today! Club TWiT members can discuss this episode and leave feedback in the Club TWiT Discord.

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Hands-On Windows, featuring Paul Thurrott, will help you adapt to the changes made in Windows 11. From visual tweaks to performance boosts Hands-On Windows will show you how to get the most out of your Windows 11 PC. You can join Club TWiT for $7 a month and get ad-free audio and video feeds for all our shows plus everything else the club offers...or get just this podcast ad-free for $2.99 a month. New episodes every Thursday.