
This week’s episode, hosted by Robbie Stamp, looks at street entertainment throughout the centuries in and around Covent Garden: A Tom-Tom Player written by Sarah Fleming and performed by Shama Rahman [London’s West End and 55 Albany St NW1]The Sound of a Whole Orchestra written by James Rampton and performed by Lulu Freeman [Covent Garden Piazza]Busking Changes Everything written by James Rampton and performed by Zak Ghazi-Torbati [Trafalgar Square, London]Sound editing by Viel Richardson.

Om Podcasten

At the heart of HappenedHere.com are 4-5 minute stories that transport you to another era, answering the wonderfully simple question: “I wonder what happened here?”. We help you imagine “what happened here,” in this very location, on this very ground, to imagine in whose footsteps you might be treading, to be intrigued by people and their stories from the very recent to the very distant past.