Ep 206: Raising Children While Healing Your Inner Child with Greta Zukoff

What do we do if we notice that we have some negative patterns of thinking?  Or maybe we find ourselves repeating the same mistakes over and over…feeling totally blocked.  How can we become unblocked?  How can we view the world from a positive lens.   I’m so thrilled to have my guest today, Greta Zukoff.  Greta is my own personal tapping coach, and I’ve worked with her to heal some of the consistent patterns that were showing up over and over in my life.     Today we’ll be diving into what causes these patterns, and what we can do to begin shifting gears and considering the world and our experiences in a new, truly positive way.     Tapping and inner child work is helpful at any point, but motherhood?  I know that personally my interactions with my children can often expose my anxieties, frustrations, fears and patterns.  Greta, and her business collegue Naomi have created a group program where we get to work with other mothers together.   We’ll have 4 group tapping calls, as well as 2 group prayer/meditation calls, and a private FB group.    Applications for The Homebirth Collective open next week, so be ready to apply early!  Seats are extremely limited, so the earlier you can apply and get a suitability call, the quicker we can reserve your spot.   Episode Roundup The inner child: It wasn’t something that naturally called to me.  I thought it was a bit silly— that I’m not a child, and I should just do better.  But when we realize that so many programs that we’re running are created in those first few years of life, we can see that, perhaps some of those programs may be outdated!  Are these serving me?  Are these TRUE?  This can be an incredible place to start. Tapping Specifically: EFT has been a huge help for me in my life.  Like Greta and I spoke about, it’s so beneficial for both the “acute” and the “chronic.”  During the panic attack, and to deal with the deeper layers of reprogramming.  Pregnancy and postpartum are massive times of flux.  We may be drawing on a lot of subconscious programs, and we’re certainly in hormonal flux.  I love tapping to connect with my baby, and I’m thrilled to have it as a resource in my postpartum phase so that If I do begin experiencing any type of postpartum mood disorders, I already have this massive tool.   If this information was helpful for you, please be sure to join us inside of Finding Freedom.    Finding Freedom (4 month Subscription): $149 pay per month price $ 119 pay in full incentive ($476 total) Includes:-4 group tapping calls (per month)-2 group prayer/meditation calls (per month)-Private Fb group for support Ready to join us? Email greta@gretazukoff.com with subject line: Finding Freedom Resources: FREE Homebirth Essentials Guide The Homebirth Collective    

Om Podcasten

The Happy Homebirth podcast is your source for positive natural childbirth stories, and your community of support, education and encouragement in all things homebirth and motherhood. This podcast takes a deep dive into the the authentic stories of mothers who have given birth (usually) at home, as well as the care providers who tend to them. Although typically upbeat and fun, Happy Homebirth is unabashedly unafraid to examine the rawness, the pain and the struggle of some birthing situations. Host Katelyn Fusco is a former student midwife, who joyously shares her experiences and provides a space for her guests to share theirs as well. From pre-conception to pregnancy, to postpartum and beyond, Happy Homebirth is a podcast that focuses on how victorious birthing mothers are from around the globe and encourages you to have a magical birthing experience. To learn more, head over to www.myhappyhomebirth.com