Ep 262: The Body-Mind-Birth Connection with Errika Horner

Which is more important in birth preparation and birth itself? The body--or the mind? This week we're speaking with Errika Horner, a stay-at-home mom of 2 girls and blogger in her spare time, sharing healthy recipes and intentional homemaking inspiration on her website: thehomeintent.com.   Episode Roundup As Errika's story demonstrated, it is possible to have a positive birth experience in the hospital, if that’s the option you feel you need this time around, keep this at front of mind, as it can be extremely encouraging to hear those positive examples. Errika acknowledges that yes, her body was made for birthing, but it was her mind that made the difference between her two experiences. Errika had a much better understanding of what her body was doing in labor, and she visualized it all, even talking to her body during contractions. Errika feels that's what really made the second experience smoother and quicker. And finally, you don't have to learn every single possible coping technique. In fact, having just a few specific strategies planned to use during the birth can help, so that you know exactly how to prepare and focus.  

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The Happy Homebirth podcast is your source for positive natural childbirth stories, and your community of support, education and encouragement in all things homebirth and motherhood. This podcast takes a deep dive into the the authentic stories of mothers who have given birth (usually) at home, as well as the care providers who tend to them. Although typically upbeat and fun, Happy Homebirth is unabashedly unafraid to examine the rawness, the pain and the struggle of some birthing situations. Host Katelyn Fusco is a former student midwife, who joyously shares her experiences and provides a space for her guests to share theirs as well. From pre-conception to pregnancy, to postpartum and beyond, Happy Homebirth is a podcast that focuses on how victorious birthing mothers are from around the globe and encourages you to have a magical birthing experience. To learn more, head over to www.myhappyhomebirth.com