Harness the Power of Taguchi: How the Japanese "Cracked the Code" On Tested Advertising

"Taguchi" is a funny sounding name. It's a Japanese name. And we all know that when it comes to business the Japanese lead the world in Technology! It's this same technology that created the need for more efficient testing applications for manufacturing. A wiled haired genius and national hero in Japan names Taguchi created a system for testing that works with online advertising optimization. Simply put, if you are trying to increase your profits and reduce your costs associated with your online and offline marketing and advertising campaigns, you need to know about Taguchi. The Taguchi Advertising Method is used to "compress" the number of tests you have to run to get superior response rates and results. If applied correctly, this testing method causes significant increases in advertising response in record time. This 50 minutes recording is with David B, a trained Taguchi expert. This interview will reveal the power behind this Japanese testing miracle and show you how to get the response and conversion increased you need to decimate your competitors and to survive in today's competitive market. This is an exclusive interview from Michael Senoff at www.hardtofindseminars.com.

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