Herschell Gordon Lewis. Author Of 20 Books On Advertising, Writing And Direct Marketing Reveals Secrets Of Success In Copywriting

Even though I had heard his name for years, I never gave Hershell much thought until I was searching for one of his books, "World’s Greatest Direct Mail Sales Letters Of All Time." Hershell Gordon Lewis is a well-connected expert who has been involved in the direct mail industry for many years. He is the author of more than twenty books on advertising and marketing, and is the former chairman of BJK&E Direct. He now heads Lewis Enterprises, a creative source. He is also chairman of Communicomp, a full-service direct marketing agency affiliated with True North Communications based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. On this audio clip, prepare to receive a real history lesson on some amazing things. My conversation with Hershell was one of my most interesting, illuminating talks. In it, I take you from the days of Hershell’s first direct selling job as a door-to-door salesman through his development and evolution into a prestigious, powerhouse ad agency owner. This is one talk you will feel compelled to listen to three or four times. It is that eye opening.

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Tap the brains of some of the greatest masters of writing of all time including Ted Nicholas, John Carlton, Denny Hatch, Melvin Powers, Mike Pavlish, Carl Galletti, Brian Keith Voiles, Gary Halbert, Joe Vitale, Bob Bly, Ben Settle, Eugene Schwartz and more and cut years off your education right now!