Finding The Root Cause Of Your Symptoms - ME/CFS - Long COVID - Fybromyalgia

Behind every symptom is a stressor. It is my job to find the underlying stressor that is causing your current symptoms. I'm not interested in your pain or fatigue from yesterday, but rather in your current symptoms. Your symptoms could include pain, vertigo, grogginess, or depersonalizations, among others. Each stressor is activated via triggers. Without knowing it, every situation you involve yourself in can trigger a stressor that is already inside you. If we find the underlying stressor, we can increase and decrease your symptoms on demand.Many people assume their symptoms to be pathogenic, such as parasites or toxins. These kinds of stressors can also cause symptoms, but they won't allow you to experience good and bad days. These kinds of stressors don't cause you to have fatigue and pain that you experience in a condition such as ME/CFS, fybromyalgia, adrenal fatigue, or long COVID.Join me on an adventure with this podcast, where I explain how to find the underlying stressor, how to activate it and make you experience an increase in symptoms, and how to eventually release the stressors.Enjoy the podcast and I hope it will change your perspective.Release Recovery: Program:

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Healing holistically from a chronic disease. I talk about my personal healing story and my experiences of coaching over 1,000 different people with a chronic disease.Welcome to the Healing Differently podcast. My name is Daniel.I was once bedbound for a few years, and I struggled with my health for many other years. After I recovered, I started working as a health coach, and I developed a free online program about self-healing. Because of that, I attracted 10.000s people with different chronic diseases and worked with many people 1:1.Over time, I realized that my own recovery was accidental. I learned to switch my symptoms on and off on demand. I started practicing with my clients, and over the course of a few years, I started getting consistent results with that. I now talk a lot about switching on symptoms, such as pain, fatigue, nausea, vertigo, depression, depersonalization, etc., and we do that by finding the underlying stressor and emotion in your body. And after that, we would like to release both the stressor and the symptom.In order to do that, we have to prepare the body for releases and, more importantly, shift our perspective and beliefs about health and various chronic diseases, such as ME/CFS, lyme, adrenal fatigue, long COVID, fibromyalgia, MS, and other similar conditions and labels.In this podcast, I like to create a shift in perspective by telling stories and explaining the underlying mechanisms. On top of that, I also upload guided meditations that you can find on the channel. I hope you find the content enjoyable. Please subscribe, and when you're ready, rate it on platforms such as Spotify.We also have a website full of information, blogs, and even an online course.