E279: Photo Shoot Ideas for Health Coaches

Photos of yourself are absolutely essential when marketing coaching services. After all...coaching is a relationship with YOU! If the only decent photos you have are professional shots from your wedding (or a selfie from vacation last summer) join us to talk about getting great health coach photos on any budget. And add your name to the waitlist for this spring's Fast Track Semester with Michelle - http://healthcoachpower.com/waitlist Mentioned in this episode: Join the waitlist for 2024's Fast Track Semester at HealthCoachPower.com/waitlist Congrats to health coach Willijah Dawson on her newly created podcast! Get the free guide she used at HealthCoachPower.com/podcastguide

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Hello health coaches! I'm here each week, candidly answering your questions based on my 14+ years of experience in the field. Topics include getting started as a coach, finding clients, earning income and building confidence. Join our free community and get YOUR questions answered at HealthCoachPowerCommunity.com.