E283: Get More Clients: The 5-Step Formula for Health Coaches to Create Financial Freedom

What would financial freedom look like for you? A decade ago, Michelle found herself stuck and rapidly losing control of her health – until a client-generating formula changed everything. Listen as Michelle shares the formula to create freedom in YOUR life too. And join this March’s free GET MORE CLIENTS bootcamp at: HealthCoachPower.com/getmoreclients   Mentioned in this episode: Join this March’s GET MORE CLIENTS bootcamp at: HealthCoachPower.com/getmoreclients

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Hello health coaches! I'm here each week, candidly answering your questions based on my 14+ years of experience in the field. Topics include getting started as a coach, finding clients, earning income and building confidence. Join our free community and get YOUR questions answered at HealthCoachPowerCommunity.com.