From Paper to Pixels: The Future is Bright for Health Information Management

The evolution of Health Information Management (HIM) professionals has been remarkable. They are no longer paper pushers (literally) and are now stewards of healthcare data. Jennifer Mueller, President of the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA), sees a bright future for the HIM industry. Healthcare IT Today sat down with Jennifer Mueller, AHIMA President and the Vice President & Privacy Officer at the Wisconsin Hospital Association Information Center (WHAIC) to the explore the past, present, and bright future of HIM professionals. We caught up with her at the 2023 American Health Information Management Association annual conference (AHIMA23). Learn more about AHIMA at Learn more about Wisconsin Hospital Association Information Center at Find more great health IT content at

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Listen to the latest happenings in Healthcare IT in this series of interviews with leading experts in healthcare technology. Whether you're trying to understand EMR and EHR, healthcare communications, security and privacy, analytics, telehealth and telemedicine, and much more, these interviews will dive into what's really happening on the front lines of healthcare. Learn more at: