Is the Future of Healthcare Modular?

When most of us think of modular buildings, we picture those trailer-like structures on construction sites – the ones with panel walls and the electrical wire that dangles outside. Modern modular buildings are a far cry from those flimsy seventies-era trailers. Modern modular buildings are marvels of technology and engineering. To learn more, Healthcare IT Today went to visit Fero International, a company that fabricates advanced modular buildings for the healthcare, education and municipal markets. We sat down with Fero’s CEO, Sabrina Fiorellino to learn more. Learn more about Fero International at: Find more great health IT content at Disclosure: Colin Hung advises Fero International through ventureLAB, a non-profit Canadian innovation hub.

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Listen to the latest happenings in Healthcare IT in this series of interviews with leading experts in healthcare technology. Whether you're trying to understand EMR and EHR, healthcare communications, security and privacy, analytics, telehealth and telemedicine, and much more, these interviews will dive into what's really happening on the front lines of healthcare. Learn more at: