MediQuant Aims at "One Patient, One Record"

MediQuant has been providing health data management and active archiving since 1999. In this video, CEO Jim Jacobs describes how they seek “one patient, one record” so that providers have complete and accurate data for the patients they serve. In addition to fulfilling organizational needs such as compliance and enhanced patient care, Jacobs believes that preserving data from legacy systems has wide-reaching benefits. For instance, one customer is using AI to process ten years’ worth of data to prove that a denial of treatment was unwarranted. But providers struggle because many have more than a thousand systems holding data, and find themselves with even more redundant systems after mergers or acquisitions. Decommissioning systems is a complex task, while systems that are overlooked are at risk of breaches. Learn more about MediQuant: Health IT Community:

Om Podcasten

Listen to the latest happenings in Healthcare IT in this series of interviews with leading experts in healthcare technology. Whether you're trying to understand EMR and EHR, healthcare communications, security and privacy, analytics, telehealth and telemedicine, and much more, these interviews will dive into what's really happening on the front lines of healthcare. Learn more at: