Nextech Supporting the Independent Ambulatory Practice

Independent clinical practices are in danger everywhere: if they don't go out of business, large hospital chains tend to pipette them up. Bill Lucchini, CEO of Nextech, wants these independent practices to survive. Nextech's EHRs and solutions for practice management and patient engagement software are highly specialized to Dermatology, Med Spa, Opthamology, Orthopedics, and Plastic Surgery in order to make it as efficient as possible. Learn more about Nextech: Health IT Community:

Om Podcasten

Listen to the latest happenings in Healthcare IT in this series of interviews with leading experts in healthcare technology. Whether you're trying to understand EMR and EHR, healthcare communications, security and privacy, analytics, telehealth and telemedicine, and much more, these interviews will dive into what's really happening on the front lines of healthcare. Learn more at: