Three Tough Questions with Michael Quinn at Inovalon

Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) is hot topic right now due to the cybersecurity incident at Change Healthcare. Hear honest answers to tough questions related to that incident and how AI will impact RCM. To explore this topic, Healthcare IT Today, wanted to ask an executive that works in this area to come on-camera for a “Three Tough Questions” interview. Michael Quinn, VP of Strategic Partner Development at Inovalon, graciously agreed to be interviewed. Watch as Michael Quinn answers these three tough RCM-related questions: 1. AI is the hottest technology at the moment. It is EVERYWHERE. But has AI made any meaningful improvement to the RCM process? 2. Since RCM processes are so standardized, are we heading for a day when it will be completely automated and not require any people? 3. What will change for the positive and what will remain the same after the Change Healthcare cybersecurity incident that has frozen payments in our industry? Learn more about Inovalon at Find more great health IT content at

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Listen to the latest happenings in Healthcare IT in this series of interviews with leading experts in healthcare technology. Whether you're trying to understand EMR and EHR, healthcare communications, security and privacy, analytics, telehealth and telemedicine, and much more, these interviews will dive into what's really happening on the front lines of healthcare. Learn more at: