When Patients Know Things the Doctor Does Not

The knowledgeable patient can still be seen as a threat, even by a medical resident. While every institution talks about how they much they care about their patients, they still tell patients that they don't need to see the data collected on them because they're not equipped to use their own data. And researchers might not pass useful information from trials on to the very patients who provided the input to those trials. These problems, along with suggestions for positive uses of data, are described in this video with Christine Von Raesfeld, founder of People with Empathy. Von Raesfeld herself has been dealing for 47 years with a rare disease whose cause has not yet been determined. A big proponent of collecting and using data in health care, she is one of the first patients to attend the Health Datapalooza conferences. Learn more about People with Empathy: https://www.peoplewithempathy.org/ Find more great health IT content: https://www.healthcareittoday.com/

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