The Shocking Reality of What Happens for Abuse Victims and Their Children in Family Court, with Tina Swithin - Part II

Throughout her decade-long ordeal, Tina Swithin persisted through what she describes as a "Category Five Divorce Hurricane," representing herself in a grueling custody battle that upended her family's life. She quickly grasped the staggering complexity that divorcing a narcissist or another high-conflict individual entails, taking family law disputes to extraordinary levels.Enduring a relentless ten-year journey through the family court system, Tina faced a barrage of challenges, including a ...

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The pain of heartbreak is real and can take your breath away. If you’re hurting or struggling with a break up and you’re feeling shocked, betrayed, devastated, and alone then this podcast is for you. You may feel sad, anxious, angry and worried about your uncertain future. If you’re on an emotional rollercoaster you may feel stuck and unable to let go, and yet desperate to move on at the same time. Now is the best time to minimize your own suffering in this process by listening in on the most empowering and helpful relationship advice available. Bestselling author and award winning host Sara Davison shares how you too can get on with your life to heal, grow and move from heartbreak to happiness once again.