Heavy Networking 650: Whether And How To Adopt Whitebox Switches

On today’s Heavy Networking podcast, Kevin Myers joins us for a whitebox conversation. Kevin helps Internet Service Providers build their networks, and has noticed increased adoption of the whitebox switching model among the ISPs he works with. Why? Why whitebox for these folks? And are the problems whitebox solves for these ISPs problems you might have at your company? Should you consider whitebox instead of Cisco, Juniper, or Arista? Maybe…and maybe not. Kevin is a Senior Network Architect at IP ArchiTechs. We discuss: * A working definition of whitebox * Where whitebox is being adopted, and where it’s not * Whitebox market drivers * Whether whitebox lets you design architectures you couldn’t with vertically integrated gear * Support issues * What you should understand if you get into whitebox * More Sponsor: ITProTV Start or grow your IT career with online training with ITProTV. Learn IT, pass your certs, and get a great job! Visit itpro.tv/packetpushers and use the promo code PACKETPUSHERS at checkout to get 30% off all plans. Show Links: IP ArchiTechs @stubarea51 – Kevin Myers on Twitter Kevin Myers on LinkedIn Heavy Networking 634: Why (Not) MikroTik? – Packet Pushers The Critical Lowdown Podcast Episode 12 – Beating the Supply Chain Crunch – A Case Study for Open Networking

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Heavy Networking is an unabashedly nerdy dive into all things networking. Described by one listener as "verbal white papers," the weekly episodes feature network engineers, industry experts, and vendors sharing useful information to keep your professional knowledge sharp and your career growing. Hosts Ethan Banks & Drew Conry-Murray cut through the marketing spin to explore what works—and what doesn't—in networking today, while keeping an eye on what's ahead for the industry. On air since 2010, Heavy Networking is the flagship show of the Packet Pushers podcast network.