Heilige Huisjes Gaza miniserie: Josh Paul, a former director of the US State Department who resigned following the events in Gaza

Josh Paul resigned from the State Department in October, 2023 due to his disagreement with the Biden Administration's decision to rush lethal military assistance to Israel in the context of its war on Gaza. He had previously spent over 11 years working as a Director in the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, which is responsible for U.S. defense diplomacy, security assistance, and arms transfers. He previously worked on security sector reform in both Iraq and the West Bank, with additional roles in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, U.S. Army Staff, and as a Congressional staffer for Representative Steve Israel (D-NY). Josh grew up between London and New York, and holds Masters degrees from the Universities of Georgetown and St Andrews, Scotland. He is currently a Non-Resident Fellow at the organization Democracy Now for the Arab World (DAWN) and a recipient of the 2023 Callaway Award for Civic Courage.

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Zoals Oscar Wilde ooit zei: de waarheid is zelden zuiver en nooit eenvoudig. Toch komen we in het bedrijfsleven en de samenleving veel heilige huisjes als ontastbare waarheden tegen. Waarom lukt het niet om uit de dogma’s van de heilige huisjes te treden? Directieadviseur en organisatiefilosoof Sia Ataredian bespreekt in elke aflevering een heilig huisje en zet het in een ander licht. Kan het toch anders?