565. Ken Webster: Circular economy is a business opportunity (IN ENGLISH)

Circular economy may seem like common sense - why waste resources when we could reuse them for something else? Well, it's apparently difficult to conduct circular business practices in a linear system. Ken Webster served as innovation manager at Ellen MacArthur Foundation during its formative years, and many look to him as one of the true pioneers in the field. Heja Framtiden met Ken Webster during an event at the Swedish circular IT company Inrego to pick his brain about where we go from here . What does he mean by "wealth of flows", "maintaining capitals" and "closing the liability loop"? Listen to this fascinating conversation to find out. // Podcast host: Christian von Essen // Learn more at hejaframtiden.se and subscribe to the newsletter (still in Swedish only).

Om Podcasten

Heja Framtiden är en podcast och plattform för framtidsfrågor. Här får du möta futuristerna som förutspår framtiden, entreprenörerna som bygger framtiden och eldsjälarna som representerar framtiden. Med många olika perspektiv läggs ett spännande pussel som aldrig blir färdigt, och oavsett vad vi tror om framtiden får vi aldrig sluta heja på den. Podden drivs av Christian von Essen i Stockholm. Läs mer på http://hejaframtiden.se Heja Framtiden is a Swedish podcast about the future. For all the English episodes, please check out http://hejaframtiden.se/category/english/